According to The International Coaching Federation coaching can be defined as a partnership between a coach and a client (i.e. coachee) in which the coach creates such a rapport which enables the client to maximize their potentials.Coaching is based on a paradigm that human beings are constantly being created and is focused towards learning and the future.
In this process, the coach and the client deal with the client’s way of thinking, way of organizing their experience and their reactions. They identify the client’s actions underpinning theoutcomes they have.
What does a coaching session look like?
A coaching session is a conversation between a coach and a client, which serves to identify the necessary change. During this conversation, the coach asks questions, provides feedback and creates, together with the client, situations at and/or between the sessions, which help the client predict outcomes of their future behavior and consider their previous behaviors from a different perspective. The client takes an active part in coaching, so between the meetings they execute tasks that they have identified as activities that will bring about the desired change. The coach provides active support on this road and helps the client understand and keep track of the practical outcomes of the tasks that they have carried out. The coach induces discoveries as well as insights and facilitates the process of positive change whether it is related to the change of perspective, attitude or behavior. The coach also helps the client learn and teaches them how to learn. The coach does not give advice nor recommendations to be used for achievement of the goals and personal pleasure but assists the client in the discovery of a more successful future.
What should happen during a couching session?
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results“. This quote by Albert Einstein reflects the principle behind the process of coaching. The client should, with the help of the coach, find out what they should do differently, how to perceive their situation, problem or a challenge differently, which then leads them to the desired outcomes.
Coaching aids the client to delve into and unlock their potentials, to become more efficient and more productive. Research studies conducted by The International Coaching Federation have clearly shown that benefits for people who took coaching sessions include improvements in
Interpersonal relationships
Communication skills
Work achievements
Life-work balance
Who is coaching for?
For anyone who wishes to “move” forward in life in a structured way and gain a better understanding of aspects of their life and self.
Coaching is a development tool and as such, it is used in the sphere of professional and personal development. Nowadays, there are various kinds of coaching depending on which aspect of life they are focused on. Some of them are: business coaching, career development coaching, entrepreneurial coaching, manager and leader coaching, performance and efficiency coaching, sports coaching, healthy lifestyle development coaching etc.
Although there are some similarities with psychotherapy, since it provides support to people, it relies on conversation and leads a person from one (current state) to another one (better, desired). Still coaching is not the same as psychotherapy and is not used in case of mental difficulties and disorders.
This does not mean that in the course of coaching process the client cannot work on understanding their thoughts and emotions, or learn how to manage them. However, unlike therapy coaching does not deal with the past causes and motives, nor does it offer interpretations of psychological phenomena. Coaching as a support is useful for those who want a change or have an important motivating goal they wish to achieve. For example, they might want to finish their studies, write a book, start their own business, be more efficient at work, manage people more efficiently, improve their communication with colleagues/business partners, improve their self-confidence or public performance skills, reach certain targets in their business, make important decisions etc. Generally speaking, coaching can be defined as a structured support to people who want to improve the quality of their life.